
30 Day refund policy

Please provide the shipping invoice or order details (order number, name and postcode) with any returns.

Items must be Items must be returned in a saleable condition in original packaging. We will refund the cost of returns in full within 3-5 working days if the item is not faulty.
If you need to return because your item is faulty, please send an image or video of the fault to, as we may not need you to return the item. If we ask that you do need to return a faulty item, we will cover the cost of postage & provide an exchange or refund.
Should your return be because you have changed your mind about the item, the cost of returning the item is borne by you.
If the damage to a faulty item is deemed to be malicious, no refund (including the product, delivery charge, or return postage) will be made.
For security reasons we cannot refund money to a different card to the one you made the original purchase with.
For security reasons we must send replacement items to the address used in your original order.

Returning your purchase by Royal Mail

Simply return your order to us by Royal Mail from your nearest Post Office.
We strongly recommend that you send your return using registered post, so you have proof of postage. Unfortunately, we cannot be held responsible for parcels that go missing during transit.
Please package your goods with your order details (eg: order number / customer name) and send to:
Maqio Toys
Station Road
OL16 4HQ
    If returning your order by Royal Mail is not an option, please call us on 0161 883 3388 and to discuss possible arrangements for collection. Please be advised that handling charges may apply.

    When we receive returns

    Once we have received the return and it has been processed, we will automatically issue a refund. Depending on your bank or card issuer, it may take between 3-5 working days (Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays) for the funds to appear in your account.
    If you have returned the product with your order confirmation, and within 30 days of your original purchase, provided the damage is not due to customer negligence we will provide either a replacement product or a full refund.
    Replacements are provided at no extra cost to you. This does not affect your statutory rights.