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New App Gives you Lego Ideas from Your Box of Random Bricks

by Grace Wood 07 Jul 2021 0 Comments
New App Gives you Lego Ideas from Your Box of Random Bricks

Are you ready to be rummaging through your kid’s loose Lego brick box, excited to make wonderful new creations? There is an exciting new app that will give you and the little ones all sorts of Lego building ideas. Brikit is an app that makes the best use of AR technology which will be very useful for any Master Lego builder.  

The Brikit app will scan a pile of Lego bricks and identify individual bricks. Once it’s assessed the pile of bricks, it will suggest designs to create from the pieces you have. This turns the random box of Lego you never know what to do with, into a box full of inspiration and fun. 


The demo video shows the app identifying thousands of bricks in just a few seconds. The feedback from users is that the technology holds up and can scan box after box with thousands of identifications. However, some have mentioned that the idea suggestions can still have missing pieces or the colours don’t always match up, but kids don’t usually care about that. Despite the minor kinks, it seems the app is already entertaining children of all ages as well as adults.  

If you fancy trying this new tech out, Brikit is free in the App Store, currently with a 4-star rating at the time of writing this. So, it seems this new app for Lego creation is a hit with construction enthusiasts. But be warned; stepping on Lego bricks is one of the most painful experiences you will have. So, watch wear you step with those piles of Lego everywhere.  

Have you used this new app yet? Will you be downloading Brikit to try? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below. 

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