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Summer Holiday Indoor & Outdoor Game Ideas

by Grace Wood 25 Feb 2021 0 Comments
Summer Holiday Indoor & Outdoor Game Ideas

Summer holidays are a time when children build memories that they will look back on fondly, like breaks abroad, day trips, picnics and other outings. They also remember the not as good times like being bored at home and disagreements with siblings. So, parents have a big task to try and make every day during the summer holidays one they will remember for all the right reasons.

We have put together some great activities for indoor and outdoors that will certainly help fill those long summer days spent at home. Parents are working from home are even more in need of things for kids to do in the summer holidays that kids can do on their own; This is why we have put together a list of indoor and outdoor activity ideas that are perfect for summer.

Time Outside

When you’re stuck at your desk, working from home, playing outside is probably not the fist idea that comes to mind. Supervising time outside can take time away from your workday, but kids that have been cooped up in the house all day will only get rowdier and rowdier. Spending some time outdoors with them can let them blow off some steam, allowing for nap or quiet time later. If your kids are a little older, you may be able to keep an eye on them from the window while they play outside.

Art Projects

A lot like time outside, art and crafts can seem counter productive to getting work done. It can be messy and may require supervision. But setting up a designated art space that has art supplies like paper, colouring books, glue, child safe scissors, coloured pencils and crayons at the ready will encourage kids to make art and creativity part of their daily routine, also it will make it easier to clean up.


Usually, children get new toys in the holiday season, right in the middle of the school year when they have little time to actually play with them. By the time summer is here and they have time to play, they are forgotten or even worse, broken. But if you choose your kids toys well, this doesn’t have to be the case. Toys are a great source of enjoyment all summer.


Classic board games and card games can keep the kids busy while you work or get some chores done. Some games can be played solo like brainteasers or card games to keep a child occupied. While board games are great for siblings to play together and pass the time.

If your children are old enough to play outside by themselves, don’t overlook outside games, like water guns or Nerf battles, ball games or even a game of Tig.


Getting into the habit of reading every day for enjoyment is a fantastic thing for kids to do. As summer holidays allow kids a break from homework and schools, makes it the perfect time to get the reading bug.

Local Libraries usually have summer reading clubs for kids to join. If you child is struggling with reading, why not try wordless? Comics and magazines are another great way of encouraging reading. Setting aside a certain time each day for kids to read is a good way of getting them into the habit.

Audio Book & Podcasts

Audiobook and podcasts are not just for car journeys. Audiobooks can promote a true love of literature and keep kids engaged for hours on end. This is also an easier way for some children to enjoy books than reading.

Now it is easier than ever to download books to a phone, tablet or computer, but if you’re more old fashioned, you can still bring CDs home from the library. Podcasts can be even simpler to access than audio books and a great source of entertainment or even education.


Spending just fifteen minutes writing or drawing in a journal will give your will give you kid a jump start on the classic question all teachers love to ask when schools starts again; What did you do in the summer holidays? This activity isn’t going to keep any child occupied for long but is a good way to end the day or transition to another activity.


Have a large jigsaw puzzle out in the house all summer long for anyone who fancies having a go at placing a few pieces. Puzzle books are also a brilliant way to keep kids minds active. Don’t expect your kids to spend hours on puzzles each day but doing only a little often will keep them from getting bored.

What are some of your summer holiday activity ideas? Tell us about your tips for keeping kids busy in the comments below. For ideas on how to keep kids entertain, check out our blog, How to Keep Kids Busy in Lockdown.

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